The illegal immigration issue
The Gun Toting Liberal has a really good post about the illegal immigration problem. Here's an excerpt but you should read his whole post because he makes a lot of good points.
I can’t believe so many “liberals” are in favor of the “guest worker” ideas being currently debated on Capitol Hill right now. Well, actually I can. I admit, I once (not so long ago; last week even) thought that the President’s proposals for a guest worker program sounded like a pretty damned good idea. It’s natural, after all, because… we Liberals CARE about people. People first, then prosperity will always follow… it’s inevitable.
But the more I ponder it, the more I am beginning to believe that the right wing is trying to further a horrid system where indebted, low-paid Mexican citizens come here to work their asses off for our corporations for less than a living wage to better aid them in reaching a highly profitable bottom line that helps further drive the nail into the coffin of our middle class here; nothing more, nothing less.
One of the main reasons why americans don't want to do the jobs the illegals are currently doing is because those jobs are paying very low wages and no health care benefits. Big business loves the idea of Bush's amnesty program because they love the idea of cheap labor. Cutting down on the flow of illegal immigrants passing into this country and severly punishing employers who hire illegal immigrants will go a long way in relieving the burden on the middle class in this country.