Thursday, March 30, 2006

The trash bin of History

Way back during the 2000 campaign, President Bush talked of restoring honor and dignity back to the White House. That statement seems so ironic now considering all of the scandals involving the Bush administration. Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinski when compared with all of Bush's indiscretions with the US Constitution doesn't seem as such a big deal. Clinton never lied about matters of war as Bush has. With the release of those British memos the Bush defenders can no longer claim that President Bush didn't lie about Iraq without looking like the Kool Aid drinking partisans that many of them are.

Why aren't all of the Republicans who voted to impeach President Clinton for lying about an affair calling for the impeachment of President Bush for lying to Congress and the american people? Even if you set aside the Iraq issue, there still is the matter of Bush's illegal spying on american citizens. In that case it's pretty clear cut that President Bush broke the law. There is also the matter of Bush allowing the use of torture on detainees. I'm sure i could come up with many more impeachable offenses committed by the Bush administration. What this shows is the hypocrisy of the Republicans who impeached Clinton. They're all for the rule of law when it involves a Democrat but when it's one of their own they look the other way.

While i believe President Bush clearly deserves to be impeached, the reality is that it is a long shot at best. I know i've previously posted that the Democrats should begin impeachment procedings the day they're sworn in if they regain control of both the House and Senate. The problem is they'll have a tough enough time dealing with the mess Bush and the Republican controlled Congress have created. Our troops will still be bogged down in Iraq. Impeaching Bush would probably rally the hardcore Republican base as they'll whine that it's only retaliation for Clinton's impeachment. You know Fox News and conservative talk radio will be crying foul 24/7. Instead i think we should let history be the judge of President Bush. I truly think he'll go down as our worst president ever. He belongs in the trash bin of history.