Saturday, March 11, 2006

Senator McCain sucking up to President Bush

Atrios has an interesting post about how Senator McCain is sucking up to President Bush at a time when most Republicans are desperately trying to distance themselves from him. I'm losing more respect for John McCain by the day. The man so desperately wants to be President that he's willing to suck up to the man responsible for smearing his military service and his family. He's now in danger of losing his maverick tag which i never really bought into like the main stream media has.

The problem for McCain is that the exreme right wingnuts aren't all that crazy about him. He thinks by continually praising President Bush that it will endear him to Bush's base. It ain't going to happen. There are already Republicans who plan to run in 08 who have more credibility with Bush's right wing base. My guess is that McCain has made some sort of deal with President Bush for supporting Bush during the 2004 Presidential elections. Bush needed McCain to put a moderate face on his extreme right wing administration. Bush has probably promised McCain that he would throw his support to McCain when he runs in 08. The problem is that President Bush is so unpopular with both Democrats and Republicans that an endorsement from him will be the kiss of death. Senator McCain may regret his strategy of attaching himself at the hip to President Bush.