Has the South actually won the civil war?
It's been awhile since i've posted anything at this blog as i've been busy and a little burnt out on politics. The recent controversy over Senator George Allen's use of a racial slur has got me to thinking about who actually won the civil war. Sure his remarks have gotten a fair amount of media attention but i think what is not so widely reported is that his audience actually cheered him on when he attempted to embarrass S.R. Sidarth, a 20-year-old volunteer who was videotaping Allen for Democratic challenger Jim Webb by referring to him as a "Macaca".
Should a man who at the very least has shown gross racial insensitivity and who is at worst a racist even be considered a legitimate candidate for President of the United States? Of course not. Has this country moved so far to the right under President Bush and the Republicans that it's now acceptabe to have a US Senator who's a racist? Like it or not, George Allen is representative of the Republican party. I have to chuckle when pundits wonder as to why the Republicans receive such little support from blacks and other minority's. All they have to do is have a look at Senator George Allen's record on race related issues as well as his insensitive remarks and they'll have a clear answer. The Republicans are truly taking this country backwards. Allen's biggest mistake is that he hasn't done what many of his Republican colleagues are good at, which is speaking in code to his constituency when it comes to their feelings about minorities. Instead he gave an unedited view of today's Republican conservative, particularly in the south.
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