Bush turning US into a police state
From Dailykos:
A new AP report shows that Bush has now submitted a new terror bill which now says any U.S. citizen "suspected" of terror ties can now be held "indefinitely". Forget the Bill of Rights. Forget due process. Forget the courts of law. Welcome to our own Guantanamo Bay, right here inside the United States.
This is more in Bush and Rove's playbook to step around the ruling of Hamdan, rendering the Supreme Court irrelevant (when Scalia's opinion isn't in the majority).
With the November elections coming up a bill like this would be very useful. Just think about it. Bush could have Howard Dean or any other Democrat locked up just by saying he suspects that Democrat of having terror ties. I used to think Bush would never go so far as to literally declare himself dictator but now i'm not so sure. Rove and Cheney are probably getting scared that the Democrats might actually gain control of one of the Houses so they're getting desperate. With all the stuff that has leaked out about this administrations illegal activities so far you gotta figure there's a whole bunch more americans don't know about. If you have Democrats with subpoena power things could get really ugly for Bush and his cronies. I really fear a desperate Bush administration.
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