Treason at the New York Times
From Matthew Yglesias at
NONE DARE CALL IT BULLSHIT. I never, ever, ever watch prime time cable news because it makes me want to kill extremely large numbers of people. Tragically, I walked through the door yesterday and my roommate already had Hardball on. There were two people debating the issue of . . . whether or not The New York Times should be brought up on charges of treason. Seriously. Treason. For publishing an article in a newspaper. Treason. And there was Chris Matthews happily presiding over the whole thing as if this was a serious conversation that people should be having. This all taking place on a network that, allegedly, does journalism.
This person posting in the comments section summed things up pretty well:
"I don't want to sound hyperbolic, but modern American conservatism really is sliding into fascist territory by the day."
What you said is hardly's more like an understatement. Frankly, the American right wing has been sliding into fascist territory for the past quarter-century. They're well inside it now.
In a healthy democracy, for example, the screeds of Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh would not be given a platform in the mass media, outside of public access channels. Also, the very idea that an arrogant, ignorant, incurious dolt like George W. Bush would run for President would be treated by the media in the same manner as Lyndon Larouche's campaigns.
And Tweety Pie Matthews would be a star on QVC.
I fear that American democracy is dead, murdered on 12/12/2000, although it had been very sick since the early 80s.
Posted by: monchie b. monchum | June 27, 2006 11:20 AM
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