Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Video shows Bush was warned that levees could breach before Katrina hit

Americablog has a good post on this. Aside from the fact that it shows Bush to be a compulsive liar i was surprised by this statement:
A top hurricane expert voiced "grave concerns" about the levees and then-Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown told the president and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff that he feared there weren't enough disaster teams to help evacuees at the Superdome.

I saw the video on the NBC nightly news and i must say i think that just maybe Michael Brown was scapegoated by both sides in this whole thing. Sure he made lots of mistakes but in that video that was aired he seemed like a guy who knew what he was talking about as well as someone who was showing some concern. That's more than i can say about President Bush who as usual looked like he didn't really give a shit. If anything this is going to shift the focus back on President Bush and his response to hurricane Katrina. It's also going to make it much more difficult for Bush to continue to blame Michael Brown for his administrations failures on Katrina.