Friday, March 03, 2006

Bill O'reilly at it again

Crooks and Liars has the latest in the Bill O'reilly/Keith Olbermann feud. Actually i shouldn't call it a feud. O'reilly tries to get Keith Olbermann's show off the air and Olbermann makes fun of Bill O'reilly. O'reilly is now threatening to get Fox News security and the police after anyone who calls into his radio show and mentions Keith Olbermann's name. Rumor has it that some people who called into his show were already contacted by Fox's security people. How long before O'reilly ends up being sued for harrassment? O'reilly deserves what he gets for all of the bullying he's done to his guests over the years. You'd think he'd learnt his lesson when he tried to sue Al Franken for putting his picture on the cover of his book. The only thing O'reilly achieved was to increase Al Frankens book sales. I have the feeling Keith Olbermann's ratings have been on the rise these past couple of weeks. O'reilly is coming across as the bully he is. He can dish it out but he can't take it.