Bush supporters arguements against NY Times debunked
Courtesy of Glenn Greenwald:
The clear rationale underlying the arguments of Bush supporters needs to be highlighted. They believe that the Bush administration ought to be allowed to act in complete secrecy, with no oversight of any kind. George Bush is Good and the administration wants nothing other than to stop The Terrorists from killing us. There is no need for oversight over what they are doing because we can trust our political officials to do good on their own. We don't need any courts or any Congress or any media serving as a "watchdog" over the Bush administration. There is no reason to distrust what they do. We should -- and must -- let them act in total secrecy for our own good, for our protection. And anyone who prevents them from acting in total secrecy is not merely an enemy of the Bush administration, but of the United States, i.e., is a traitor.....
Somehow i can't imagine these people crying for the New York Times editor to be tried for treason would feel the same way had this been a Democratic administration. No way in hell would they give a Democrat President their complete and unquestioned trust nor should they. These attacks on the press are the equivalent to attacks on our Democracy and will only lead this country further towards fascism. It's beyond me how many of these Bush supporters are so willing and eager to give up their rights. It's as if they've forgotten the abuses of the Nixon administration. If Nixon had the political climate we have today he would never have resigned. In fact Woodward and Bernstein most likely would have been tried for treason.