Monday, April 03, 2006

Guiliani is the McCain of 2008

After reading about John McCains flip flop regarding his previous comments about the reverend Jerry Falwell it is obvious that McCain is going to use the GW Bush playbook of politics. During the 2000 Presidential campaign i was hoping that McCain would win the Republican nomination as i felt that compared to GW Bush, John McCain was someone i could live with as President and there wouldn't be much cause for concern. I just had a terrible feeling about then Governor Bush. Maybe it had something to do with the way he took glee in the execution of Carla Faye Tucker. At that time the media was really playing up McCain as a maverick Republican and straight shooter. He was polling fairly high among Democrats and independents as well as with those in his own party. Then came Karl Roves dirty tricks and his candidacy was derailed and unfortunately we ended up with Bush as president.

Now that Senator McCain has morphed himself into President Bush i'm now comtemplating who will be the 2008 version of John McCain. Who will be the Republican i want to get the 2008 nomination? The Republican i would be able to live with and not lose sleep over should they win the Presidency. The one name that comes to my mind is Rudy Guliani. The problem is that Guiliani despite how well he polls and his name recognition would have a hell of a time winning the Republican nomination. One of the main reasons being that Guiliani is pro choice and that's big no no among religious conservatives who are the base of the Republican party. Sadly it's looking like a repeat of the 2000 campaign with most Republicans sucking up to the religious right because they have all the power in the Republican party. My biggest fear is that another GW Bush gets elected who thinks God talks directly to him. We've seen how that worked out.