Saturday, April 01, 2006

Dirty Jobs

I was checking out the Gun Toting Liberals blog again today when i came across another great post on the whole immigration issue. The Gun Toting Liberal really has a good grasp on this issue. Anyway, he posted this quote by President Bush:
[President] Bush, at a U.S.-Mexican-Canadian summit in Mexico today, said that U.S. laws should “recognize there are people in our country doing work that Americans will not do, and those people ought to be given a chance to have a tamper-proof card that enables them to work in our country legally for a period of time.'’

The Gun Toting Liberal pointed out that there are plenty of americans doing undesirable jobs but the difference being that they are paid a fair wage for their work and often belong to a union. He's exactly right. Reading his post made me think of the Discovery Channel's newest show called "Dirty Jobs". If you haven't seen it, the premise of the show is that they find the hardest, dirtiest jobs in america and Mike Rowe, the show's star, gets to perform those jobs. He's done jobs such as cleaning out septic tanks and sewers to chimney sweeping and everything in betweeen. Many of those jobs would be considered jobs that americans don't want to do by President Bush but the fact is, it's americans who are doing those jobs. The difference being that they are being well paid. All of the people doing those jobs mentioned on "Dirty Jobs" show a lot of pride in their work. It's goes to show that if you pay someone a fair wage for the type of work that is to be done, then they will gladly perform that job. That is something to keep in mind when President Bush or supporters of his amnesty plan repeat the falsehood that illegal immigrants are doing the jobs americans don't want to do.