Thursday, April 13, 2006

McCain sucking up to the religious right in Iowa

Republican Sen. John McCain is courting conservative activists, crucial to any White House hopes, in an early test of his political strength.

He has his work cut out for him in Iowa.

"I don't want to say it's an insurmountable hurdle, but it's a big, big hill to climb," said Steve Scheffler, who heads the Iowa Christian Alliance, formerly the Christian Coalition. "There's no support for McCain in this constituency, and I don't see how you can make a scenario where you can bypass us.

McCain has no integrity. Even the Kool Aid drinkers know he's a phoney. The religious fanatics want another GW Bush who's a true believer like they are. Why should they vote for John McCain when there are others who they know will push their agenda of intollerance? Shame on John McCain for pandering to the likes of Jerry Falwell and his followers.