Tuesday, April 18, 2006

America must stand up against voter fraud

I came across this in the comments section at ThinkProgress.org:
the more you back the repubs in the corner (or any politician) the more they will fight, bush is way too vulnerable to do nothing short of rigging elections to keep the legislative branch, even if they lose the majority, they still need to keep enough seats to keep the dems stalled until 08 when they can rig another election (probably another terror attack - IMO the only reason there hasn’t been one since 9-11 in the US is b/c it shows how strong bush is) - maybe something in canada to show how close it still is but not on our soil…or they can just steal another presidential election - I think that we are witnessing the begining of a dictatorship and we will only have “republican” “presidents” in the future…they have safely split the country so there is no unity.

That last sentence is so true. The Republicans have divided this country starting in 2000 when Bush stole the presidency. It's much easier to steal elections when there is a divided electorate. Bush and the Republican party have used guns, god, and gays to scare red state voters into voting against their own best interest. The question remains, with the disaster of a presidency Bush has had and with gas prices continuing to rise, will the Republicans still be able to scare the red staters? Let's hope not. With the majority of this country united, elections will be much harder to steal. There needs to be a major overhaul of voting machines and americans need to demand that there be a paper trail to determine if any vote tampering has occurred. We now know that Republicans have shown a willingness to engage in voter suppression to win. Is it much of a leap to conclude that they would engage in rigging the voting machines?