Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Why all Republicans must go

I think a picture is worth a thousand words and this picture of McCain hugging President Bush at the 2004 Republican convention speaks volumes. Let me start off by saying that i generally like Senator McCain. Of course i disagree with a lot of his politics but I don't view him as some radical right wing Republican. The problem is McCain and the rest of the so called "moderate Republicans" have sold their souls to George W. Bush. While these Republicans from time to time may publicly voice their opposition to some of Bush's extreme policies, when it counts most they'll side with the President. In essence these Republicans have placed their political party over their country. For this reason no distinction should be made between them and the President when the 2006 midterm elections come up. Essentially a vote for any Republican is a vote for President Bush because moderate Republicans have no power in their own party when it comes to influencing policy.

For the life of me i cannot fathom how Senator McCain continually supports and defends Bush. During the 2000 primary the Bush campaign spread rumors that McCain fathered a black child and that he was brainwashed when he was a POW in Vietnam. They also spread viscious rumors about his wife. The latest indignity endured by McCain was when President Bush said he didn't have to obide by the anti-torture bill that Senator McCain helped pass. When it comes to President Bush, all of these moderate Republicans act like battered wives who just can't get out of a bad marriage. They'll keep coming back and being abused.

Senator Arlen Spector's behavior at the Samuel Alito Senate confirmation hearings is another example that moderate Republicans just can't be trusted. Arlen Spector is supposed to be a pro choice Republican but you would have never known that by watching those Alito hearings. He should have been raising hell when judge Alito wouldn't even state that Roe V. Wade was settled law but he didn't, instead he gave his full support to Alito. Now how can anyone take Spector seriously when he says he's going to be highly critical of the Bush administration during the upcoming hearings on the illegal NSA wiretapping? It's the same way with Senator Lindsay Graham regarding the whole torture issue.

At the end of the day all these Republicans will side with the president simply because he's a Republican. So that is why no one running in 2006 with an "R" next to their names should receive your vote unless of course you're a Bush supporter. The same goes for so called Democrats like Joe Leiberman. A vote for them is a vote for the Bush agenda. Americans must select candidates who will oppose the Bush agenda with not just their words but with their actions as well.