Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Alito should not be confirmed

Watching some of the Senate questioning of Judge Alito it occurred to me that the majority of american people just don't get what's at stake. Polls show a majority of americans are opposed to overturning Roe V. Wade yet here is Judge Alito on the verge of being confirmed as a Justice to the Supreme Court. Make no mistake about it, Judge Alito was chosen mainly because he will overturn Roe V. Wade. American women should be extremely concerned about this. I always hear the arguement from those on the right that if Roe V. Wade is overturned it simply means that the right to an abortion will become a state's decision. What that translates to is that poor women living in places such as KnuckleDrag Oklahoma and Hicksville Alabama would have to travel to blue states if they wanted to have an abortion, something many poor women don't have the resources to do. What you'll see in those states outlawing abortion will be doctors illegally setting up unsanitary abortion clinics as well as women aborting their own pregnancy. This will result in many unnecessary deaths. On this issue alone, Judge Alito should not be sent to the Supreme Court. However it's not the only issue.

I cannot fathom that a majority of americans would approve of having their 10 year old son or daughter strip searched. Judge Alito was the only member of a three judge panel who didn't have a problem with a 10 year old girl being strip searched. Perhaps the lack of outrage is due to the "me" mentality of most americans. They'll approve of strip searching someone's 10 year old daughter as long as it's not their 10 year old daughter. Judge Alito has a history of ruling in favor of big corporations and against the "little guy" as Senator Kennedy mentioned in his questioning of Alito.

Then we have Alito's membership in the Concerned Alumni of Princeton or CAP. A group formed because they were angered at Princetons' decision to admit women. They would also rail against the growing number of minority students at Princeton. Alito now tries to distance himself from his membership in CAP. In 1985 however, he was proud enough of his membership in that organization that he put it on his employment application when he was seeking a position in the Reagan administration.

I'll say it again, i cannot believe that a majority of americans would approve of Judge Alito being confirmed to the Supreme Court. I cannot believe most americans would approve of doing away with a womans' right to choose. I cannot believe they would approve of strip searching 10 year old girls. I cannot believe they would approve of ruling in favor of large corporations. I cannot believe they would approve of americans private phone calls being recorded. This is a very troubling time for america. If Judge Alito is confirmed, the extreme right wing agenda of the Bush administration will be carried out for decades after Bush is out of office no matter who is elected President. Much has been made of Alito's wife crying during his questioning in the Senate. I have a feeling that once Alito is confirmed they'll be a lot of americans crying and they won't be tears of joy.