Friday, May 12, 2006

Scarborough tries to tie Bush's illegal spying to Clinton

The transcript isn't up on yet but on last night's Scarborough Country Joe Scarborough tried to place the blame on Clinton for Bush's unlawful data mining of americans cell phone records. I don't know if Joe Scarborough actually believes that or he was just invoking Clinton's name to give him cover with his conservative viewers for criticizing President Bush. Statements like that are so outrageous that you have to question the sanity of those making them. It's about time Republicans give Bill Clinton credit for his accomplishments as President and get over their hatred of a man whose biggest mistake while in the White House was getting a blow job from a chubby intern. Do Republicans seriously want to compare Bill Clinton's record with George W. Bush's record? I say bring it on. It's time for a Republican reality check. Republicans need to join the majority of americans who are reality based, you know the ones who think that President Bush is one of the worst Presidents this country has ever had.

Update: The transcript is now online.
SCARBOROUGH: You know, Brad, I‘ve got to say this. Hold on a second, guys. When I was on the Judiciary Committee, I was shocked by all the presidential directives that Bill Clinton passed in the late 1990s. I said it was a dangerous thing then. Paul Begala had said, It‘s pretty near, you don‘t have to pass laws anymore, just a stroke of the pen and it has the effect of law.

Now we‘ve gotten to a point in 2006 where the president can decide on his own he‘s going to get all of our phone records, and Congress isn‘t involved! This is an imperial presidency, started with Bill Clinton, and it‘s dangerous!